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Finally, Michael Jackson was Buried

Since the last breath of Jacko on June 25, the burial location of Michael Jackson has always been debated. But now the Megastar corpse is buried. Forest Lawn Funeral luxury of finally selected by family for the last rest place for Michael. Previously, some place to bury Michael was considered, including where Jackco last live, Neverland.

According to the Mirror, Michael corpse was buried on Sunday (9/8/2009) the night. However, the location of burial became a mystery. "Michael has been buried, but only the family and the management of Jackson Forest Lawn know the location of certain burial and no body else know it," said one source who quoted from Mirror, Monday (10/8/2009).

Location is concealed in order to maintain tranquility in Forest Lawn. Feared, if Michael fans throng came to do the pilgrimage, it will disrupt the peace of funeral, and damage to the graves are there.

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  1. This 1st I hear that MJ was buried...
    Thx for Ur info...

  2. Good at last he can rest peacefully...
